"বর্তমান ওয়েবসাইটে প্রবেশ করতে ক্লিক করুন (Click to enter the current website)"


Tender Name Start Date End Date
Tender announcement of C&F agent recruitment 2019-08-05 2019-08-22
Tender Circular For 7 Computer, 7 Printer & 7 Scanner 2019-06-03 2019-06-18
Tender Circular For 10 Computer, 10 Printer, 5 Scanner & 12 UPS 2019-06-03 2019-06-18
Tender circular for 9 Laptop and 10 Scanner 2018-04-08 2018-04-25
sing bord 2018-01-23 2018-01-30
Re-tender for 7 computers and others 2018-01-16 2018-01-31
Tender Circular for sound system 3778 2017-12-28 2018-01-04
Tender Document for the Procurement of goods 2017-11-30 2017-12-19
Quotation Advertisement for Desktop Computer 2017-10-30 2017-11-06
RFQ for 03 Desktop Computer 2017-06-04 2017-06-11
RFQ for buying TV 2017-06-04 2017-06-11
Quotation for LED Sign Board 2017-05-25 2017-05-30
Quotation for Desktop Computer 2017-05-25 2017-05-30
Page 2/2   Previous 12 Total 33 records found

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