
(a) Arrangement of contents:

The Bangladesh Gazette shall be published in the following 8 parts with the contents as shown against each:—

Part I :


Statutory notifications containing rules and orders issued by all Ministries and Divisions of the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh and their attached and sub-ordinate offices and the Supreme Court of Bangladesh.
Part II : Notifications regarding appointments, promotions, transfers etc., issued by the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, other than the Ministry of Defence and the Supreme Court of Bangladesh.

Part III


Notifications issued by the Ministry of Defence other than those included in part-I.

Part IV : Notifications etc., issued by the Patent Office other than those included in part-I.
Part V : Acts, Bills etc., of the Bangladesh Parliament.
Part VI : Notifications issued by the Supreme Court, Accountant General, Public Service Commissions and of the Attached and Sub-ordinate Offices of the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh other than to those included in part-I.
Part VII : Non-Statutory notifications issued by the minor administrations and miscellaneous notifications not included in any other part.
Part VIII : Advertisements and notices issued by private individuals and corporations on payment.

Besides, the Gazette shall contain the following supplements:—

(i) : Weekly statistics of reported attacks and deaths by Cholera, Smallpox, Plague and other infectious diseases in the districts and towns in Bangladesh.
(ii) : Statements showing births and deaths from principal diseases in towns etc. with a population of 30,000 and over in various districts in Bangladesh.
(iii) : Monthly weather and crop reports.
(iv) : Quarterly weather and crop reports.
(v) : Annual estimate of Arahar, Masur and Motor Pulses and of the other Rabi cereals in Bangladesh.

(b)  Quality of Paper :

The Gazette shall be printed on white printing paper.

(c)  Size :

The weekly Bangladesh Gazette shall be of foolscap folio size, The Bangladesh Gazette, Extraordinary, shall be of royal octavo size, The notifications of the Bangladesh Gazette, Extraordinary, of the same day shall be printed on both pages of the paper in alphabetical order of the Ministries, and not in isolated sheets.

(d)  Imprint Line :

The designation of the Deputy Director of the Bangladesh Government Press shall be printed as Printer and that of the Bangladesh Forms and Publications Office, as Publisher in the imprint line.

 (i) Weekly Bangladesh Gazette—No authority below the status of a Section Officer of the Ministry/Division or of equivalent rank is authorised to sign and issue Gazette notifications.

 (ii) Bangladesh Gazette, in Extraordinary—No authority below the status of a Deputy Secretary of the Ministry/Division is authorised to sign and issue Bangladesh Gazette, Extraordinary. 

The Bangladesh Gazette is printed and published on Thursday of the week. All notifications required to be printed on Thursday of a particular week must reach to the Officer-in-Charge, Bangladesh Government Press at the latest three clear days before the final publication i.e. on Monday of the week by 10 A.M. otherwise they will be printed in the following week.

Last Update : 04-02-2014

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